College of Economics and Business Administration - 0603 - Typing
Description and notes
Students in typewriting class. The instructor is standing against the windows that have black out shades on them. Some of the women are wearing hats.
Historical context
''STENOGRAPHY AND TYPEWRITING; F. E. LESTER. INSTRUCTOR. The principal object of the course in Stenography and Typewriting is to thoroughly qualify the student to 'become a practical shorthand and typewriting amanuensis, so that at the completion of the course he may be prepared to accept a position as such.'' ''Typewriting. - The requirements of modern business demand only the expert typewriter operator, and the work of this course is such as to qualify the student to become such.' The four-finger method is taught, and a complete text-bookTorrey's ''Practical Typewriting''- studied in connection therewith. The practical work includes fingering, touch, copying, letter-writing, legal and commercial forms, spelling and punctuation, writing from dictation, mechanism and care of the machine, speed exercises, and transcription from shorthand notes. In the third term, one hour a day is devoted to office work, which includes thorough practice in letter-press copying, indexing and filing of names and letters, carbon and hectograph duplicating work, and mimeographing. The department is well equipped with the best machines. The New Model No. 6 Remington is the principal one used, supplemented by the Remington No.2. The Remington machine is more generally used in the business offices of the country than any other make; and the same key-board being adopted by several other machines, the Remington operator has the advantage of being able to manipulate other makes of machines, should occasion demand.” Cited from the Catalogue for 1894-95., and Announcements for 1895-96.
Subject (LCSH)
College students
Subject (local)
New Mexico State University. College of Business Administration and Economics
Access rights
Public record. No restrictions on use. See New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act, Chapter 14, Article 2, 8th Edition, 2015
Hobson-Huntsinger University Archives Photograph Collection
NMSU Library Archives and Special Collections Department