Buildings and Grounds - 0328 - Memorial Tower/Memorial Stadium
circa 1950
Description and notes
Front (west side) of the NMSU Memorial Tower.
Historical context
''A recommendation that had been made by the Aggie Memorial Committee, to build a memorial tower and clock to commemorate the war dead, was presented to the Board of Regents by President Milton at the Board’s May 13, 1946 meeting. (BOR, p. 518) Plans for the tower were developed in 1949 and they included a 115 ft. tall tower that “contained offices, restrooms, etc.” on the first floor. A second floor balcony and a press box on the third floor were also included in the plans. The estimated cost was $150,000 “exclusive of architect’s fees, the extension of utility lines, etc.” (BOR, p. 612) Construction of the tower began in 1950 and originally had been scheduled for completion by September 1, 1950. Unfortunately, by December 2, 1950, the tower was still not finished. (BOR, p. 645) The Board of Regents was presented with a bill for $1, 556.00 for the change of certain beams in the tower. The Board refused to pay he bill because the change was due to a mistake made by the architect. (BOR, p. 660) A set of Carillion bells were installed in the tower in 1954 that were from Mr. C.J. Schulmerich, President of Schulmerich Carillions, Inc. (BOR, p. 722) ater that year, the tower was furnished.'' (BOR, p. 743) Cited from The Buildings of New Mexico State University by Patricia Grumet,
Subject (LCSH)
College campuses
New Mexico State University
Subject (local)
New Mexico State University. Memorial Tower
Alumni Relations
Digital publisher
New Mexico State University Library
Access rights
Public record. No restrictions on use. See New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act, Chapter 14, Article 2, 8th Edition, 2015
NMSU Library Archives and Special Collections Department