Men working on murals decorating the Corbett Center. The murals consist of Pueblo art moftifs.
Historical context
''Built in 1968, with a subsequent $8.3 million renovation completed in 1996, and $15 million renovation that began in February 2014, Corbett Center Student Union is the place to dine, study, relax with friends, do your banking, exercise, check your snail mail and e-mail, and utilize all your favorite portable electronic devices via the Aggies Wireless Zone.'' Cited from NMSU Corbett Center Student Union website, Professor Kenneth Barrick was an accomplished mural painter, and his works adorn the NMSU campus in the inside foyer of Hadley Hall (1958), the Chemistry Building (1962), Jacobs Hall (1968), Corbett Center (1973), and Guthrie Hall (1978). Edited based on
Subject (LCSH)
College campuses
Mural painting and decoration
Subject (local)
New Mexico State University. Corbett Center
Barrick, Kenneth Roberts, 1913-2007
Digital publisher
New Mexico State University Library
Access rights
Public record. No restrictions on use. See New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act, Chapter 14, Article 2, 8th Edition, 2015
NMSU Library Archives and Special Collections Department