Lovers' Lane, A&M campus, State College, New Mexico
Image number
Image classification
Buildings and Grounds - 0375 - Lovers’ Lane
circa 1926
Description and notes
Upon driving into the college campus Lover's Lane meets the eye," note on verso.
Historical context
''The Horseshoe has undergone numerous modifications to its landscape design.(...) By 1926, a driveway and footpath split the center axis of The Horseshoe, which was still planted with agricultural crops. Soon thereafter, elaborate entry gates were constructed at The Horseshoe’s intersection with Espina Street, and the footpath to old Hadley Hall became enclosed with dense vegetation forming what was called “Lover’s Lane” By the mid-1950s, the heavy vegetation had been removed and The Horseshoe was again open space, albeit with grass and a few, scattered trees. Tree planting has continued on The Horseshoe to the present day.'' Cited from NMSU Heritage Preservation Plan - Volume 1,
Subject (LCSH)
College campuses
Subject (local)
New Mexico State University. Lovers' Lane
Alumni Relations
Digital publisher
New Mexico State University Library
Access rights
Public record. No restrictions on use. See New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act, Chapter 14, Article 2, 8th Edition, 2015
NMSU Library Archives and Special Collections Department