College of Agriculture and Home Economics - 0450 - Fabián García
Description and notes
Fabián García on horseback, standing in front of the adobe building.
Historical context
Fabián García was in the first graduating class of New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts (New Mexico State University) in 1894. Mr. García was born in Mexico and is responsible for many contributions to horticulture in New Mexico and beyond. Mr. García developed a new kind pod for chile peppers, New Mexico No.9, and all New Mexican chile peppers today carry those genes, he planted the first Pecan trees in New Mexico, and brought sweet onions to the state. Edited from: by Dr. Paul Bosland
Subject (LCSH)
Subject (local)
García, Fabián, 1871-1948
New Mexico State University. Agricultural Extension Service
Digital publisher
New Mexico State University Library
Access rights
Public record. No restrictions on use. See New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act, Chapter 14, Article 2, 8th Edition, 2015
NMSU Library Archives and Special Collections Department