Professor of art, Kenneth Roberts Barrick, looking at the student's painting, a profile of a man. Other students working in the background.
Historical context
''The Art Club was established on campus in the fall of 1949. Open to all students, the organization is designated to stimulate an interest in art. (...). Sponsors are Paul W. Mannen and Kenneth R. Barrick.'' Cited from the Swastika, Volume 44, 1950, p. 168, Also, ''Kenneth Barrick was not only an influential art professor and head of the art program, but also the artist behind many legendary murals inside the walls of half a dozen major campus buildings. Barrick worked at NMSU from 1949-1984.'' Cited from NMSU news release issued May 27, 2000, Tale of Two Hadleys: Both NMSU's Hadley Halls named after first president,
Subject (LCSH)
Profile portraits
College students
Subject (local)
New Mexico State University. College of Arts and Sciences
Barrick, Kenneth Roberts, 1913-2007
Digital publisher
New Mexico State University Library
Access rights
Public record. No restrictions on use. See New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act, Chapter 14, Article 2, 8th Edition, 2015
NMSU Library Archives and Special Collections Department