College of Agriculture and Home Economics - 0406 - Livestock
circa 1980
Description and notes
Three individuals looking at and petting a horse. There are two other horses in background. 35 mm slide.
Historical context
At the February 29, 1956 Board of Regents meeting, it was reported that the “Rodeo Association will be constructing horse stalls, also that various organizations such as the New Mexico Wool Growers Association, the Production Credit Association, Farm Bureau Board, and New Mexico Grain and Feed Dealers have been approached for the financial support for materials for stalls to be erected by members of the Rodeo Association when sufficient funds have been raised to purchase supplies.” (BOR, p. 777) At the September 22, 1956 Board of Regents meeting, it was reported that $4,000 was available to make a start on the stalls and the tack and feed rooms. (BOR, p. 794) In January of 1957, Mr. Fred Day reported to the Board that the Feed and Tack rooms and 10 stalls were partially completed. The Shlothauer family donated money, labor, and equipment to help construct the new stables. (BOR, p. 808) In May of 1957, President Corbett suggested that the Rodeo Association contact Mr. Fred Day about getting cable for the stalls. Also, he suggested that they contact Mrs. Scarbrough Eidson and Raleigh Jones about donations to the Horse Stall fund. The stables were constructed from 1956 to 1957 and they were torn down in 1981 when the Rodeo Arena was constructed to the east of the University Golf Course and west of “A” Mountain. The horse stables were located at the southeast corner of Williams Ave. and Wells St." Cited from The Buildings of New Mexico State University: NMSU Building History by Patricia Grumet, Vol. 1 p. 693,
Subject (LCSH)
College students
Student activities
Agriculture Department
Digital publisher
New Mexico State University Library
Access rights
Public record. No restrictions on use. See New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act, Chapter 14, Article 2, 8th Edition, 2015
NMSU Library Archives and Special Collections Department